Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme: Internationally recognized pre-university programme.

Course difficulty: You shall have to study persistently if this is the pre-university course you wish to pursue for it is very difficult and not to be taken lightly.

Intake: August

Duration: Two years

Fee: RM25,000 – RM51,000

Academical institutions offering IB:
International School of Kuala LumpurMont’ Kiara International SchoolKDU Smart School Sdn Bhd.MARA College BantingMARA College SerembanThe International School of Penang (Uplands)


Basically, an IB student has to take up six subjects – 3 subjects at a Higher Level (HL) and 3 at a Standard Level (SL). There’s also an extended essay that constitutes of 150 hours of creative, action and service activities (CAS). For the Extended Essay or EE, IB students are required to do independent research on a topic of interest to them to equip them with independent research and writing skills required in university work. The goal of CAS is to produce well-rounded and responsible citizens. This paper should be about 4000 words and is usually done in one of the subjects that a candidate is taking. In addition to that, a critical thinking course dubbed “Theory of Knowledge” (TOK) is also a requirement. Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a course that intends to teach students how to analyze problems of knowledge in issues we face daily in and out of the classroom. TOK requires one to do a presentation and also to write a1200-1600 essay on a chosen topic.

The subjects are in 6 groups and candidates must select a subject from each group 1-5 and the 6th subject from any of the groups 1-6.

Group 1 = Main Language [English, Bahasa Melayu, etc…]
Group 2 = Second language [French, Japanese, etc…]
Group 3 = Humanities [Economics, Business and Management, etc…]
Group 4 = Experimental Science [Chemistry, Biology,Physics, etc…]
Group 5 = Mathematics [Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, etc…]
Group 6 = The Arts (Optional)

(Info from,

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How to be a doctor in Malaysia

After take a look at many site,there are a lot of student want to be a doctor.It is one of the most popular career today.Now,I will tell a little bit of knowledge that I got from my research about this career.A career in Medicine involves the care of the ill,infirm and injured.It is a humane profession and the only one classified as a 'noble' profession.

Who is a doctor?

The doctor is a medically qualified person whose work is to prevent disease, relief suffering and treat to the sick, while providing care and support for their families.The doctor is knowledgeable in medicine and primarily responsible for community healthcare, patient management in hospital and play a crucial role in medical education,medical research,planning and implementation of local and national health programmes.There are two types of doctors:The doctor of medicine (MD);treat all kinds of diseases and the doctor of osteopathic medicine(DO,Degree at US and Canada) ;focus on muscles and bones.
What do doctors do?

Doctors are involved in all aspects of healthcare delivery and related fields.The most important ones being:
-Examination,diagnosis and treatment of illness in patients.
-Alleviation of pain and suffering in patients.
-Admistration and prescription of medication.
-Performing procedures and surgery.
-Counselling patients and families on health matters.
-Implementation of Family Planning Programmes.
-Prevention and control of communicable diseases.
-Dissemination of Public Medical Education.
-Planning and implemetation of health programmes.
-Developing new modes of treatment through medical research.

How to be a doctor?

After SPM,students have to go for A-level,STPM,Matriculation or Pre-medical programmes.You also can take Australian Matriculation,International Baccalaureate (IB),Diploma in science and Diploma in Microbiology.You should get at least B for any 3 subjects science(Biology,Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics) or CGPA 3.5 and above to qualify study in the universities.

In the universities,you will take Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(MBBS). Some universities will have Degree in Medicine and will be award Doctor of Medicine(MD).To take a degree,you have to do degree programme in medicine for 5 years.The example of the subject will be learn And exposed to medical science(e.g:anatomy,pharmacology,bio-chemistry), pathology(including microbiology and medical parasitology),public health,communication and professionalism,surgery,orthorhinolaryngology,opthamalogy,dermatology,radiology,orthopeadic,pediatric,obstetrics and gynaecology,accidents and emergencies.

After successfully graduating as medical doctor,graduates are required to undergo compulsory service with the government for 4 years.The first year is a graduate training programme or housemanship.After 4 year,Medical Officer will be allowed to further their studies in Master Specialists courses about 5 years.After qualifying their master degree,graduates will be appointed as medical specialists and as consultants.

What are the career options?

-General Practitioner(GP)
-Specialists in obstetrics and gyneacology(Gyneacologist)
-Medical Transcriptionist
-Physician assistant

Where to study Medicine?

Local Universities:
University of Malaya,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,Universiti Sains Malaysia,Universiti Putra Malaysia,Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Private universities:
International Medical University(IMU),Asean Sheffield Medical College,Penang Medical College,Asian Institute of Medicine,Science and Technology(AIMST),Taylor University

I hope this post can help the person who are interested to be the future doctor.It is good to be a doctor because you can help people but you must have the humanity sense to be a successful doctor.Hope you all can be a great future doctor to take a good care about the community health...

(Info from,,,, and some other website...)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Berkayuh Demi Matlamat

Ku berkayuh demi mencapai matlamat
Bermula dengan perlahan
Tetapi ku berusaha untuk ke hadapan
Dengan segala keringat yang ku punya.

Impian ingin berada di hadapan
kian menebal di hati
Dan ia semakin bertambah
Dengan segala usaha
Ku teruskan demi mencapai matlamat

Walau berasa tidak terdaya
Namun ku ingati matlamatku
dan prinsip diri ini
Untukku teruskan jua

Kini ku melangkah ke hadapan
Dan mencapai matlamatku
Kerana ia menjadi pembakar
Untukku terus bertahan
Sehingga impianku tercapai.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Successful engineer

There are 10 qualities that an engineering graduate should possess in order to excel in engineering industry.These include:

Ability to acquire and apply knowledge
-Every engineering student should have the ability to acquire the knowledge of mathematics,science and engineering fundamentals.

Technical competence
-Strong technical skills are needed for an engineer to be able to execute the assigned tasks as well as to solve problems effectively.Graduates should also have knowledge and skills beyond their own field of engineering.

Ability to solve problems
-with basic engineering fundamentals and technical competence,an engineer should be able to demonstrate the ability to solve problems in a methodical way.

An aptitude for design
-It is important that graduates possess the ability to design a system,its component or process based on the requirements given to them.Graduates should be able to evaluate the design performance and further improve on it if needed.

Being ethical and professional
-Ethical and professional engineers conduct themselves honourably,practising truth,honesty and trustworthiness in their service to the society.

Good communication skills
-an engineer may have to present ideas and plans to the client,subordinates or to their superiors,hence the need to communicate effectively.Effective communication is measured by the similarity between idea transmitted and idea received.It can be in written or oral form.

Being a team player
-The ability to work in groups and lead project teams is improtant in the life of engineer.An effective team player is reliable and consistent,communicates constructively,listens actively,participates actively,shares openly and willingly,cooperative and helpful,flexible,solves problem,respectful and supportive.

Ability to see the big picture
-An understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in the global,economical,environmental and social context is important.

Willingness to learn
-Engineers need to be resourceful,they should enrich themselves with current technologies,conduct research on the internet and journals and any other written materials.Engineers need to keep abreast of the latest development within engineering and other related disciplines.

Ability to function in the industry
-Engineer should be able to use the tools and resources available to them for thier day-to-day work assignments.The engineer should be able to learn,adapt and improves when the need arises.

With this information,I hope we can be the successful engineer in the future.Try to have this value in yourself first and it will make you adapt with the engineer environment work.

(Info from CourseNOW! magazine,engineering,issue 10,2006)


Dalam pemilihan sesuatu kerjaya,terdapat pelbagai jenis teori yang telah dikemukakan oleh pakar antaranya adalah Teori Holland yang sering digunakan kini.Teori ini mengemukakan kaedah pemilihan kerjaya berdasarkan personaliti seseorang.Hari ini saya memilih untuk menghuraikan ciri-ciri personaliti individu yang REALISTIK.

Individu yang mempunyai jenis personaliti realistik adalah individu yang mempunyai kemahiran etletik atau mekanikal.Individu ini suka bekerja dengan objek,mesin,peralatan,tumbuhan dan binatang.Individu ini juga suka bekerja di luar bangunan dari di dalam bangunan.

Cara hidup individu yang mempunyai jenis personaliti realistik ialah:
agresif, suka pada tugas konkrit berbanding abstrak, pada asasnya kurang bersosial, interaksi di antara satu dengan lain kurang.

Individu yang meminati aktiviti seperti memasang atau membaiki sesuatu,membina atau mendirikan sesuatu,kerja dengan menggunakan peralatan tangan,mengendalikan mesin dan kerja membabitkan tumbuhan atau haiwan adalah individu yang mempunyai personaliti realistik.Individu ini mempunyai kemahiran menggunakan tangan, menggerakkan tubuh dan menggunakan nombor.

Selalunya individu ini amat meminati mata pelajaran yang berkaitan dengan pertukangan (Reka cipta,Lukisan Kejuruteraan), sains (Kimia,Fizik dan Biologi),matematik dan pertanian.

Contoh pekerjaan bagi individu ini adalah dalam bidang kejuruteraan, pertukangan, teknikal dan perkhidmatan seperti mekanik.Pekerjaan bagi jenis personaliti realistik banyak berkait rapat dengan kemahiran dan masalah yang berkaitan mesin.Individu ini juga amat mementingkan nilai kerja seperti kemantapan,kejituan kerja dan lebih suka bekerja secara bersendirian.

(Diperoleh dari Buku Membimbing Remaja Memilih Pendidikan dan Kerjaya)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Chemical Engineering

Want to know about Chemical engineering?Here some information about this career.

What is Chemical Engineering?

Chemical engineering is a broad discipline dealing with processes(industrial and natural) involving the transformation(physical,chemical or biological) of matter or energy into forms useful for mankind, economically and without compromising environment,safety or finite resources.It is an engineering profession branch that covers all activities and processes to produce products from raw materials or to create value-added products.

What do Chemical Engineers do?

Pharmaceutical - making the many diverse medicines and therapeutics,antibiotics and vaccines required by expanding population worldwide.

Oil refining - refining crude oil to produce petrol,other fossil fuels,oils,lubricants and feed stocks for petrochemical industry.

Petrochemical - processing crude oil into plastics such as polythene,polystrene,polypropylene.

Natural gases - Production,distribution and use for power generation and chemical synthesis.

Food processing - dairy products from milk such as cheese,yoghurt,ice cream,and diverse desserts - bakery products - fermented products such as beer and wine from grins and grapes - nutritional supplements from natural and traditional sources - packaging, and quality retention processes.

Biotechnology - developing processes for using renewable raw materials for manufacture of fuels,medicines,plastics,chemical,etc.Development of processes to utilise the benefits of recombinant DNA technologies.

Environmental - solving water,air and soil pollution problems.Developing new 'green' processes with high efficiency and minimal impact on the environment.Water and waste treatment.

Energy - developing new high efficiency,environmentally friendly processes for generation of electric power from fossil fuels,the development of fuel cells for hybrid cars and diverse other devices(to reduce global warming).

Chemical - making fertilisers,solvents,detergents,inks,perfumes and cosmetics.

Paper - recovery and recycling of chemicals used in breaking down wood into pulp for manufacture of paper.

Mineral - processing bauxite ore to produce aluminium,converting iron ore into steel,extracting gold,platinium and titanium from their ores.

Materials - processes to produce and utilise the many diverse modern materials such as polymers,carbon fibre,silicon wafers.Development of biodegradable materials.

Which industry chemical engineers work?

Fuels and energy - Petroleums/natural gases,Utilities,Hydrogen,Batteries,Fuel cells.

Commodity chemicals - Agricultural chemical,Plastics,Rubber

Specialty/consumer chemicals - Adhesives,Specialty chemical,Paint,varnishes,inks,Soaps,detergents,cosmetics,perfumes.

Advanced Materials - Glass,Ceramics,Composites,Polymers,Metals,Catalysts

Transportation - Automotive,Aerospace



Air chemicals


Biomedical devices




Process control

Process design

Food and beverages

Pulp and paper

Design and construction

Environment,safety and health

What type of jobs chemical engineers do?

Process design engineer
Environmental engineer
Plant process engineer
Process safety engineer
Project engineer
Product engineer
Manufacturing engineer
Research and development engineer
Project engineer
Biomedical specialist
Computer applications and technology engineer
Technical manager
Business coordinator
Quality control engineer
Regulatory affairs engineer
Technical services engineer
Sales and marketing engineer
Risk asessors

Do Malaysia need chemical engineers?

Our country needs 29000 chemical engineers by the year 2010,according to Datuk Rahmah Abu Kassim,National Economic Action Council(NEAC)advisor.Until the year 2000,chemical engineers that have worked in Malaysia is only around 2900(The STAR,April 9 2003).In Malaysia,there are 10 universities that offers chemical engineering program.Until now thenumber of chemical engineers still not reache the target.Thus,the career chemical engineer prospects in Malaysia still very wide based on the current needed.The average starting salary for engineers (2004) is RM1970.00.

Some of the universities in Malaysia that offered this course:

Universiti Sains Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Universiti Kuala Lumpur(MICET)
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Taylor University
Monash University
INTI International University College
SEGi College
University of Nottingham
Curtin University of Technology,Sarawak

Info from,,Monash University brochure, Course now magazine.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Proses Pemilihan Kerjaya

Proses pemilihan kerjaya yang baik melibatkan tiga peringkat asas.Ia perlu dilaksanakan satu persatu mengikut urutan bagi mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan.(Harris-Bowlsbey,Spivack dan Lisansky,1983):

1.Mendapatkan kefahaman berkaitan diri sendiri:
Individu mendapatkan maklumat tentang diri sendiri yang meliputi cara dia membuat keputusan, matlamat peribadi, konsep kendiri, nilai-nilai, minat , bakat semula jadi, kemahiran, kebolehan dan pengalaman...

2.Mendapatkan kefahaman berkaitan persekitaran di mana dia hidup:
Individu mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan persekitaran yang meliputi kefahaman tentang organisasi dunia kerjaya,pilihan-pilihan pekerjaan, pandangan stereotaip terhadap kerjaya dari aspek jantina, bangsa dan kecacatan individu dan maklumat tentang pekerjaan...

3.Mengintegrasikan antara maklumat diri dan maklumat berkaitan dunia pekerjaan:
Individu akan menggabungkan kedua-dua maklumat yang diperoleh tentang diri dan dunia pekerjaan untuk membuat keputusannya itu.

Dengan melakukan langkah-langkah ini mungkin dapat membantu anda sedikit sebanyak untuk membuat keputusan dalam pemilihan bidang pendidikan dan kerjaya...mungkin umumsahaja maklumat ini tapi jika mahu maklumat lebih boleh kemukakan di shoutbox...

(diperoleh dari buku Membimbing Remaja Memilih Pendidikan & Kerjaya)

Monday, February 11, 2008


Now,we as the SPM 2007 leavers have to complete the form of application to the IPTA which is know as UPU.But there are many problem when reach part to choose which course will be taken.I also until now didn't fill the form completely yet because i want to know about the universities and also the program that is been offered.

The most popular program now of course 'asasi sains' either biological science(sains hayat) or physical science(sains fizikal) because nowadays many student aim to be a doctor,engineer and all the job that related to the science and technology.

First of all,I will talk about the matriculation program.In matriculation, we can choose three program which is sains hayat,sains fizikal and perakaunan.So, we enter matriculation we can choose these three programs.The differences between these programs are sains hayat=biology,sains fizikal=physics and perakaunan=ekonomi and akaun.Only these subject will be different while others is the same.

Asasi program is same as matriculation program but it will be conducted by the university itself.This program is offered by the university.It is more specific to the course that we want to take for the degree.Such as Asasi kejuruteraan is for engineering course for the degree program.
It same like foundation studies.

Diploma program is the program which many student don't want to go because it take so long about 2 to 3 years to finish it.But it also has its own benefits.We can work after the diploma.Diploma is specific like degree program.So,it will not make we become so confused to choose the course.

Tamhidi means pre-university, matriculation or A’ Level which conducts a 1-year program to prepare candidates with SPM (O’ Level) for admission into the undergraduate programmes offered by the University. The program is designed to fulfill KUIM's aspirations to upgrade the status of Islamic learning, to bring it into the mainstream of national education, to promote a balance between theory and practice and, last but not least, to restore the excellent tradition of Islamic scholarship with the help of the latest technological advances.(info from english/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=64)

So,now all the program offered we have know a little bit.make your best choice for your future.Don't be so confused when make a choice.You have to look into yourself then decide what is the best for you.What you want to in the future?Think about the job prospect for the other 5 years and don't forget about your interest.Don't make the decision that will make you to force yourself to do job in your career in the future...So make a right decision...Get opinion from others if you can't think it by yourself...